How could such non physical stuff kill one?
Depression usually disguise itself together with usage of alcohol and it cover your eyes to the truth. It mask your right & wrong instinct. Depression and alcohol alone is already potent by itself , when you combine them together , it became deadly.
It make you more emotional, vulnerable and anxious with each day. Depression usually feeds off on not just ur mind but in materialistic aspects such as addictive stuff like cigar or alcohol.
It makes you yearn toxicity more because they know together , they can kill you one day. One is more vulnerable to do things they didn't dare to do in fear of death or solely because the thing is unrespectfully dangerous. But well with the fog of alcohol, your mind becomes more susceptible to your darker thoughts.often resulting in unfavorable endings when you wake up in your right mind.
But so why are people turning into those addiction knowing that it is harmful for them? I guess its the temporarily relief this potent stuff give to them . It mask their mental pain temporarily & allow them to feel happiness or so as they thought for just that moment.
But little did they knew , its also during those vulnerable time are they more susceptible to self inflicted danger & death.
The world needs to not only focus on physical health.
We need to raise awareness to mental health too.
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